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Friday, October 9, 2009

Activities done by SGHOSA

1. First meeting to form SGHOSA on 03-06-2007.

2. Old students contribution an amount of Rs. 4,000/- towards winners in the competitions held on the occasion of School Anniversary in the year 2008.

3. Proposals for  school buildings repairs with an estimation of  Rs. 2,50,000/- to the collector on behalf of SGHOSA.

4. A campus interview for the admission into Free I.T.I course by the CHENNAI based company " RANE ENGINE VOLVE INDIA LIMITED" was sponsored by SGHOSA and 150 students were selected in this recruitment.This recruitment was sponsored yearly twice.

5. A Digital banner wishing and welcoming the old students on the occasion our grand GANGA JATARA was arranged.

6. Our sangam SGHOSA registered on 04-04-2008 at Tirupathi. Regd No : 105/2008.

7. With an initial amount of Rs. 20,000/- an joint account with Gen. Secretory and Treasurer in SBI started on 31-03-2008. and the account number is :

         FIRST GENERAL BODY [27-07-2008]

8. A highly damaged school shed repaired and get back it to using condition by SGHOSA with an amount of Rs.35,000/-

9. Repaired building opened and Association LOGO inaugurated by the chief guests on the occasion of FIRST GENERAL BODY meeting. "SELECT, SERVICE, SUCCESS' was declared as our association slogan.

10. Old student SRi.Venugopal Reddy announced and donated science lab apparatus worth Rs. 17,000/- to school Head master Sri. P. Ravi Babu on 17th August 2008.

11. Old student SRi.Venugopal Reddy adopted meritorious and poor student V.Suresh to the Intermediate  Course and he donated college and text and note books to him.

12. Sangham president J.Hemabhushanam gaaru donated Rs. 25,000 to SGHOSA.

13. On 26th January 2009, Old student J.Chokkalingam sponsor cash award Rs. 5116 to 10th first 3 toppers in memory of his parents Sri. J.Munaswami setti and Munemma.

14. On 26th January 2009,Old student J. Vijaya Bhaskar donated a HP Laser printer to school.

15. Company Butter milk packets served to the devotees in the queue line in the Ganga jatara on 31-05-2009 by SGHOSA.

16. On 21-06-2009, Felicitation meeting held to state 9th ranker of our school K.Tulasi ram [583/600].

17. In this occasion association honored the 10th dealing staff.

18. In this occasion donors responded to an amount of Rs.6,500/- cash to him.

19. In this occasion Mr. p. Ramesh Babu, Asst. Professor, Pondichery Engineering College, announced to bear entire books for his Entire Engineering course.

                      SECOND GENERAL BODY [09-08-2009]    

19. Second general Body meeting conducted on 09-08-2009.  

20. SSC batch 1984, honored their teachers.  

21. A group photo was taken of old students who attended the meeting.    

22. Old student Mr. Seetha Devanath Babu [USA] donated Rs. 50,000/- towards GRILL GATE to the school campus.    

23. Sri. venugopal Reddy announced 100 bags of cement to build school compound wall.
24. Cultural activities @ general body - II meeting.

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